Monday, November 19, 2012

Tokyo Marui 5.1 Hi-Capa "Tilly"

This build started off as a bone stock Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa and evolved into something more than I ever expected. I'm currently naming her Tilly, after the Bond girl Tilly Masterson in Goldfinger (The avenging sister of the girl killed by being covered in gold).

Overall Length: 8"
FPS: 330 (with .20g, using propane)
Weight: [Not Measured Yet]

Starting Platform: 
-Tokyo Marui 5.1 Hi-Capa [link]

-Prog4 Infinity Hybrid Slide (black) and Barrel (gold) Set [link]
-Prog4 Infinity Hammer (gold) [link]
-Steel Guide Rod (gold) [link]
-Shooters Design 150% Recoil Spring & Hammer Spring Set [link]
-Nine Ball Custom Grip [link]
-Nine Ball Shooter's Pro Trigger [link]
-AIP Grip Screws (gold) [link]
-KJ Night Sight Set (green) [link]
-PDI 6.01mm Precision Inner Barrel [link]
-KJ Metal Extended Slide Stop [link]
-AIP Aluminum Blowback Housing [link]
-AIP 120% Enhanced Loading Nozzle Spring [link]
-AIP Reinforced Loading Muzzle [link]

Pictures:  (please excuse crummy camera-phone pics)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Glock 17 Project - Filling Engraving on Slide

Materials You Will Need:
1) Acetone Free Nail Polish Remover
2) Isopropyl Alcohol
3) Nail Polish
4) Q-tips
5) Smooth, flat and rigid piece of plastic (ie: club card, old CC, etc)
6) Cotton Patches (Cut T-shirt, etc... Nothing too "fuzzy")
7) Gun Oil

Step One:

Wipe the area around the engraving thoroughly to remove any oils that may be on the slide/magazine. Dip the Q-Tip in the isopropyl alcohol and thoroughly clean the engraving to remove any debris or or oil that may be stuck in there.

Step Two:

Liberally apply the nail polish. Do not "paint" it on, dab it on using the tip of the brush to make sure that it gets deep into the engraving.

Step Three:

Wait about two minutes for the nail polish to start to harden, then use a smooth piece of plastic to scrape off the excess. I then used this opportunity to use the cotton patch to wipe off the area around the engraving, taking particular care to not run the patch over the actual engraving.

Step Four:

Apply acetone free nail polish to a clean cotton patch. Make sure there is no excess liquid on it, otherwise when you rub over the engraving you will be essentially be wringing out the nail polish remover into the grooves. Rub the surface over the engraving repeatedly and watch the excess slowly start to come off. 

Step Five: 

If the quality is not quite exactly as "bright" as you would like it, repeat the process from step two. 

Step Six: 

Once engraving is filled in to your desired quality and brightness, reapply oil to your slide. The process is identical for the magazines. Your finished product should look something like this:

Glock 17 Project - Filling Engraving on Slide and Magazines

Step-by-step how to with pictures coming this week! 

Here's a sneak peak at the finished product: 

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